World building is always confusing at first, so hopefully these maps help!

If you can, I recommend printing them out and having them with you while you read, just in case!

Atonement of the Spine Cleaver

Character Guide and Glossary

(Currently Under Construction)


Highborns are born with high quantities of elemental magick in their blood, Lowborns have little elemental magic or none at all. 

  • Briar - Lowborn 

  • Claira - Lowborn

  • Enna (En-nah) - Lowborn

  • Isgra - Lowborn

  • Itzel - (It-sell) - Highborn

  • Lily - Highborn

  • Mairi (Mary) - Lowborn

  • Mo - Highborn

  • Roo - Highborn

  • Rorax (Roar-Axe) - Lowborn

  • Serena - Highborn

  • Stella - Highborn


  • Sahana Thorash (Sa-ha-na Thor-ash) - Founder of the Heilstorms. Commander of the first unit. Wife and mate to Karan Thorash

  • Volla Torvik (Vol-la Tore-Vick ) -Second in command of the first Heilstorm unit. Wife and mate of Jia Frostguard.

  • Rorax Greywood (Roar-Axe) - Third in command.

  • Jia Frostguard (Gee-ah Frost-Guard) - New recruit. Wife and mate of Volla Torvik.

House of Air

  • Allurah (All-er-ah) - House of Air’s emissary at the Choosing.

House of Alloy

  • Narlaroca (Nar-lah-row-cah) - A fierce citizen of House Alloy. 

  • Niels - The House of Alloy’s emissary during the Choosing.

House of Dark

  • Lamonte (Lah-mon-t) Captain of the Northern Guardian’s guards.

House of Death

  • Ayres Sumavari - Queen Sumavari’s younger brother.

  • Rosalie Sumavari  - The Queen of Death.

  • Kaid Sumavari - Queen Sumavari’s son and her second-born child.

  • Eliza Sumavari - Heir to the House of Death’s throne and Queen Rosalie’s firstborn. 

  • Conrad Sumavari - Queen Sumavari’s younger brother.

  • Talon Sumavari - The Queen of Death’s youngest brother. Currently training with the Frost Dragons.

  • Erich Sumavari (Erik) - The Queen of Death’s younger brother and general to her armies.

  • Milla Garrison - Spymaster for House of Death and their emissary during the Choosing.

  • Piers Olufsen (Pierce Oh-loof-sen) - A member of Ayres’s close guard and a red herring prince.

  • Cannon Musa - A member of Ayres’s close guard. Was fighting during the Siege of Surmalinn and lost his hearing during the battle. He later becomes Rorax’s close friend and mentor.

  • Kaiya Thorne (Kai-yuh) - Most commonly known as Kaiya Whitethorne due to her part in defending the Whitewood forest in the House of Death.

House of Fauna

  • Merosa - Queen of the Witches. Places the witch-rune on the back of Rorax’s ear to help Rorax hide her eyes.

House of Fire

  • Elios Delgata - House of Fire’s emissary at the Choosing.

House of Ice

  • Raengar Carbore (Rain-gar Car-bore) - The King and co-ruler of the House of Ice, Son of King Katalon the Corrupt, and Rider of Deimos Ice-born.

  • Isolde Carborbe (Is-old Car-bore) - The Queen and co-ruler of the House of Ice, Daughter of King Katalon the Corrupt, and rider of Frostlight Goldhorn.

  • Kiniera Kulltoug (Kin-yee-air-ah Cult-ow-g) - Spymaster of the House of Ice and Emissary for House of Ice during the Choosing.

  • Ye-Jun Frostguard (Yee-June Frost-guard) - Commander of the Frost Dragons.

  • Tag Norvakson (Tag Nor-vak-son) - Steward of Koppar and Raengar’s second in command.

  • Sahana Thorash - Leader and director of the Heilstorms.

  • General Frostguard - Mother to Jia and Ye-Jun Frostguard, General of the House of Ice armies, supervisor to House of Ice reparations.

  • Layaz Kulltoug (Lie-az Kulltoug)- Ambassador for House of Ice currently stationed in the Azalea's Islands. Kiniera Kulltoug’s sister.

  • Eshaal  (Ee-shawl) - First in command of the second Heilstorm unit.

House of Life

  • Tressa Abebe - Head healer during the Choosing and House of Life’s first princess and heir to the throne. 

  • Roo Abebe - House of Life’s second-born girl, she was sacrificed to find Roo during the Choosing.

  • Gimren (Ren) Norvakson - House of Life’s emissary during the Choosing and Tressa Abebe’s lover.

  • Queen Abebe - The Queen of House Life and Tressa and Roo’s mother.

House of Water

  • Dori Wolfmoon -  House of Water’s Emissary during the Choosing.

Center House

  • The Northern Guardian - Galadis (mostly referred to as the Guardian in AOTSC)

  • The Western Guardian - Vadik

  • The Eastern Guardian - Oxana

  • Radashan (Rad-ah-shan) - The librarian for the Northern Castle.



  • Kaan (Cah-n) - God of Ice

  • Marras (Mar-ras) - God of Death

  • Kuu (Coo) - God of Life

  • Juri - God of Foliage

  • Asepp (Ah-sep) - God of Earth

  • Paiki (Pay-kee) - God of Fire “Paiki’s Fires”

  • Taht - God of Dark

  • Virmalis (Vir-mall-lis) - God of Light “Virmalis guide you”

  • Nakk - God of Fauna

  • Pikk - God of Weather

  • Tuuslar (Too-s- lar) - God of Air

  • Mateeva (Mat-ee-vah) - God of Water


  • Ukuros (Oo-koo- rose) - the Supreme God/Supreme God of the Realms

  •  Armasti - the Supreme Goddess

  • Tonn -  the Fertility Goddess

  • Carames -  the God of Happiness and Parties

  • Majauss (May-ouse) - the Protector God

  • Graegon - the God of War

  • Koleti (Cole-eti) - the God of Monsters

People From Other Countries

  • Karan Thorash - Sahana Thorash’s mate and husband.


All countries are on the planet Illus.

  • Azaela’s Islands

  • Bracian

  • Horns of Southwell

  • Land of Ungifted Kings

  • Lunalia

  • Lyondrea - (Lion-dree-ah)

  • Midhurst

  • Principality of Pazula

  • Ostr

  • The Realms

  • Umber

  • Wymeria

Cities Mentioned

  • Koppar (Ko-par) - Captial city of the House of Ice.

  • Morvarand - Capital city of the House of Death.

  • Skavetisa (Skah-vet-see-ah) - Major city in House of Ice where one of the largest military academies in the country is.

  • Bafta - Small town outside of the Northern Castle.

  • Surmalinn (Sir-mah-linn) - Major city in the House of Death.

  • City of Stars - City where Stars are mined.

  • Leluvar (Lel-oo-var) - Capital city of the House of Life.

Underground Market

  • Angelo - The King of the Underground Market.

  • Hella Wellbrok - Seamstress in Bafta, works for the King of the Underground.


  • A.R. - An acronym standing for After the Rip. When the Gods landed on Illus. All years are counted from that event on.

  • The Choosing - Deadly competition where the Gods choose a potential new Guardian.

  • Contestar - One of the twelve people chosen to compete in the Choosing.

  • Goldsteel - A golden-colored metal that is immune to Alloy Magick.

  • Guardians - There are three Guardians that lead Illus. They rank even higher than kings in the social structure of Illus due to the immense amount of magic that they hold.

  • Illus - Name of the planet.

  • Silversteel - A silver-colored metal that is immune to Alloy Magick.

  • Stars - Clumps of crystalized magic that have is found in the earth. Come in various sizes. Small stars can be used to make potions and weapons more virile, large stars are extremely rare, much more violent, and are usually used in war as a weapon of mass destruction.

  • Starsteel - Steel that is infused with Stars. 

  • Rathmore Venom - Venom from snakes that originate in Rathmore. With the right dose, Rathmore Venom can give the user a psychedelic effect and feelings of euphoria. The wrong dose can act as a rage stimulant. Moderately addictive. 

  • Sakar’s Warlords - The seventeen Warlords that were transformed from men into monsters. About half of Sakar Sumavari’s Books raise these Warlords from the dead. 

  • Sestera Blade - A blade that can be moved and used by the mind.

  • Shadowbell - A dangerous kind of poison grown in the House of Fauna and the University of Luxamal.

  • Stars - Magic that has been crystallized in the earth. When they are broken they can become explosive. They are often used by the Gifted to increase their power. Also used often by witches to increase the power of runes and spells. Stars are illegal to mine according to the Guardian’s Law due to their volatile nature.

  • Starsoot - Drug made of the soot of burned Stars. Incredibly dangerous. Makes the user temporarily able to hold more power. Highly addictive.

  • Waterlily Rine - Block those who have ingested it from being able to use their magic. Highly effective, tasteless, and extremely expensive.

  • Witch - Those who hold magic that can only be applied to things using wards and witch-runes. I.e. - Ice Witches apply runes to silversteel boxes to create cold boxes in order to store food.

  • Witch-Rune - A technique a witch uses to apply her magic. I.e. - A Ice Witch must apply a rune to a cold box in order for it to be used to keep food fresh. 

  • Whitelherb (Wit-el-herb) - Recreational drug that calms the senses and relaxes the user. Some strains have psychedelic effects. Slightly addictive.